Background on the Buffington Family of Pennsylvania

27 August 2011

Family History

As you know, the ones looking at this page, this is my hobby. I've researched since 1977 many different lines in my family tree. I have a huge collection of documents from before the age  of the Internet. Over time I will make those available to all of you.

I want to honor our Ancestors and the only way to do that is by sharing the truth.  Judging people who lived in times past is foolish. We have no clue what they lived through or what problems they had to deal with. If you like honesty you'll like the site.  I would ask only one thing of family, share the documents and evidence given with others so they can build a true picture of who lived and died before.

The documents shared and information given is not for gain or to be used for religious purposes unless they are your direct line and you have the right to use them. I know many are fearful that Mormon's will baptize family members.  In the past members of the Church did do baptisms for extended members of their families. These individuals were well meaning  and lacking in documentation. They have unintentionally mixed families and connected individuals to the wrong parents.  This website is to help clean up the information on the internet.  The records you are using come from those old data bases. Please do not use information unless it is accurate for the individual in your line.

If you have questions please ask, if I have made mistakes please tell me and I will correct them. Let's make this a joint effort to find our family members. Clean up the mistakes and learn about our history so we have a clear picture of who we are. It will also teach us about the History of America and her people. Those of you that would like to connect our sites and share information please do.

Genealogy is my hobby, I would love to have educated family who know about Web pages to help with this if you have the time. Cal Buffington has worked for many years collecting the documents. He lives in Illinois and travels to Counties where our families lived taking pictures of documents at the courthouses.  He has restored the Buffington Cemetery in Mt. Vernon IL. where Abraham and Margaret Ward Buffington are buried.  His line is through Lloyd the oldest son and ours is Joel Buffington that moved to Missouri.

We are the children of Quakers that settled Pennsylvania on the Buffington side. Our Ancestor William Buffington married Magdalena Ferree (Fieree) the line of Louis du Bois one of the  men that founded  New Paltz, Ulster, New York. Our family has been in America for over 300 years.

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